Breaking down brand archetypes

Why it’s good to know for your small business. 

brand archetypes

Archetypes are symbols or themes that are subconsciously & universally recognized.

Although archetypes have been around forever, this idea was introduced by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist & psychoanalyst.

The archetypes weren't put together regarding branding until Margaret Mark and Carol Pearson’s book The Hero & The Outlaw. (Highly recommend!)

Brand archetypes are the patterns found in successful brands that enable them to become household names, withstand the test of time & connect even with cultural differences.

Why is that important to your business?

Identifying & implementing your archetype can help the brand connect with its target audience in a way they can’t even describe. 

Think of Disney & the feeling you get when you walk into one of their whimsical stores. 

Think of how they approach every touch point, from messaging to theme parks- it all promotes that sense of wonder. 

Their primary brand archetype is the magician & how they present that magic, is what leaves a mark. 

Brand archetypes also help differentiate your brand from others within the same industry. 

For example, many brand designers are out there, but we each position ourselves differently to reach our desired audience. 

One designer could position themselves as the sage & promote their expertise in the industry. 

Another designer could represent the caregiver & position themselves as a helping hand, looking to simplify the lives of small business owners. 

But let’s get into each archetype individually.

brand archetype wheel

The 12 brand archetypes are split into four main sections- each connected by a shared goal.

Provide Structure

The goal of the brands in this section is to provide stability. They help people feel safe. 

Caregiver: Supports & takes care of others. (TOMS)

Ruler: Achieve success & greatness; plays a leadership role. (Rolex)

Artist/Creator: Innovative & creative expression; a visionary. (Apple) 

Spiritual Journey

The goal of the brands here is to spread happiness & independence.

Innocent: Wholesome, promotes a sense of happiness & simplicity. (Coca-Cola)

Sage: The wise one. Seeks knowledge & truth. (Google) 

Explorer: Seeks adventure. Brave & independent. (Jeep)

Leave a Mark

The goals of brands within this section are looking to achieve greatness. 

Outlaw: The risk taker. They challenge the status quo. (Virgin)

Magician: Inspiring & clever, they make dreams come true. (Disney)

Hero: Courageous & goal-oriented, they strive to achieve greatness. (Nike)

Connect to Others

The goal of the brands here is to spread love & community. 

Lover: The passionate one, they seek pleasure & emotion. (Victoria’s Secret) 

Jester: The fun, optimistic one. They set out to lighten the mood. (Old Spice)

Everyman: Your next-door neighbor. They aim to be equals, sincerely & humbly. (Levi’s)

Utilizing the power of brand archetypes in your storytelling is what gives the brand a personality

It helps your audience effortlessly connect.

Vision One has a quick & simple brand archetypes quiz if you’re having trouble figuring out yours!

Thanks for reading!

What’s your brand’s archetype?

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breaking down brand archetypes

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