2022 recap

Lessons, stats & milestones from one year as a brand designer & small business owner

2022 lessons from a freelance brand designer & small business owner

2022 has been a transformational year for me. Not only as a creative but as a person.

I feel like I’ve found my purpose. 

I’ve always been a creative person, that one with multiple interests & passions. This year, all of that seemed to align when I found brand design. 

It wasn’t all fun & there were times I didn’t feel cut out for it, but those fears quickly went away when I realized there was simply nothing else I wanted to do. 

This year started with a motivation to learn graphic design & ended with a drive to do even more.

I’m so excited about what’s to come in 2023, but let’s take a look back at 2022.


Clients onboarded: 10

Design books read: 8

Instagram friends gained: 15.2k ❤

Passion projects designed: 42

Blog posts written: 25

Rebrands: 3 (we got there eventually)


JANUARY: Started my design Instagram! 

FEBRUARY: Got my first design gig from Upwork.

MARCH: Set up my brand packages & hit 1k followers!

APRIL: Won a design brief challenge & got some clients from Instagram!

MAY: Got over my fear of Zoom calls & started the blog.

JUNE: Started creating templates & did a little rebrand. 

JULY: Joined Pinterest Rewards & started posting on TikTok

AUGUST: New website with Squarespace & 1k on TikTok!

SEPTEMBER: Started working on the big rebrand, collaborating with The TMRW Collective!

OCTOBER: Launched balncd design! 

NOVEMBER: Work slowed but I started feeling burnt out & decided to take a break from social media for the rest of the year. 

DECEMBER: Read a lot, did other creative work- feeling rested & refreshed- ready for 2023!!


  1. Followers do not equal clients- but make all the connections anyway. 

  2. Growing a business on social media makes you feel like you need to be online & active 24/7- you don’t. Breaks are necessary. 

  3. You also do not need to apologize for missing a post or not being active on social media lately. Go easy on yourself- no one will even notice & if they do, they’ll be glad you are taking time for yourself.

  4. It's okay to say no to projects. The feeling of being aligned with a client is a much better feeling than getting paid by a client you do not align with. 

  5. Twitter is a great place to learn & network. 

  6. Look for inspiration everywhere you go- not just online. Especially not just from your design peers. Look to history & pay attention to details

  7. Think & plan ahead, but don’t wait forever. Start now. 

This year was full of lessons & learning experiences & I don’t think that will change in the new year.

I’m excited to grow my skills & business this year & I can’t thank you all enough for being a part of the journey!! :)

Let me know your 2022 milestones or lessons in the comments!

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2022 recap as a freelance brand designer and small business owner

why you should write a blog for your small business


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